Applications to the Start Your Podcast Group Program are OPEN for the spring cohorts apply here >>> Apply


'Podcasting is a passion, I love hosting and interviewing.'


I'm Donna

I started podcasting in April 2020 and I've not missed a week since (with the exception of Christmas)

When the UK went into lock down in March 2020 I decided now was the time to start my business.

With starting my business I chose to start a podcast. I've been an avid listener of Amy Porterfield's podcast Online Marketing Made Easy (OMME) and I've always loved the idea of having a radio show, so it was a 'no brainer' option for my weekly content.

Starting a business isn't easy, there is a lot that goes into it and even if you do all the 'right things' sometimes it still doesn't work out, timing can be a huge factor and this is what I found. The business I set up alongside the podcast had been a dream of mine for years I felt it was needed and thought it had the potential to be a huge success.

Unfortunately, the world during Covid times was not the right time for my business and it didn't take off as I'd hoped. But in all honesty I do believe that when one door closes it's because it's not the right door for you.

So I sat for a while and listened to what was for me and podcasting was it and so was productivity these were my two passions my two things people asked me the most about .

So having run workshops in 2021 and 2022 to help people understand podcasting I decided to take it a step further.

Marie Forleo said, 'the world needs that something special that only you have' I believe that to my core. You have to have your voice heard so you can share your message with those who need to hear it.

So if you need help starting a podcast or you need help finding time in your day because you don't know how you'd fit a podcast in

then reach out, I'd love to help you.

Happy podcasting!

Here is a LINK to the equipment I use for podcasting.

Here's what my clients have said

I was very happy to be starting the podcast workshop. I have wanted to do a podcast for a long time, but didn’t know if It was feasible to do it with crafting as it’s a visual thing. The workshop has given me a wider outlook with it, and the encouragement to start it now and not faff around and wait.


I attended Donna’s podcast workshop with no real idea what a podcast even was, really! Donna obviously knows her stuff and very capably took us through the process from brainstorming content to choosing formats and platforms


The amount of knowledge and information that is shared takes you from start to finish on how to start your very own podcast. I was absolutely amazed at how much detail  Donna covers and she's always there to help whenever you need tips or advice afterwards. I highly recommend this workshop to anyone considering starting a podcast.

Jennifer. C


What's in a name? More than you think

Get your free worksheet that will help you uncover your podcast name. It will also tell you 3 things you need to consider before choosing your name.

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